I have been trying since I’ve been here to get a picture of the guineas. These three are called “The Survivors”. They are the only ones out of fourteen that survived an attack by dogs that were running in the area. They are pretty shy of anything and anybody which is probably why they are the Survivors.
This morning as I was leaving to go help Bro get his place cleaned up so we can start moving things from storage, the guineas were marchin’… see how they are all in step? The left foot on the ground and all three have the right foot steppin’ out across the drive.
They have a little route that they follow every day. They peck around the back yard then they go around to the front, then across the road to the neighbors and wander around there for a bit then make their way back to the home place.
They are never very far from each other as they trek around. And after their day is done I think they roost in the hay barn just a couple of hundred feet south of the house. They are fascinating to watch because they are flat intent on their mission unless interrupted by people or dogs that get too close… then they are off and going until they feel safe then it’s back to work.
Today has been just one of those gray, misty rainy days that you get tired of in the winter. The temperature has been mild this last couple of days, in the mid forties, but there is just enough moisture in the air to make you want to stay inside. Unless you are like me and something catches your eye and out you go into it in a tee shirt and jeans without a coat. I thought these would be interesting pictures to share with you all on this gray day…
Quiet reflections on the pond just northeast of the house…
This one there was just the slightest breeze to soften the sharpness around the edges a bit.
This was what I spotted that made me grab my camera in the first place. This mimosa tree is just about ten feet from the back deck. I loved the textures and the colors and on a gray misty day they seem to be so much brighter.
So this is the entertainment in my world. And I love it. Makes me want to get my paints out again and I haven’t wanted to do that in a long time.
On another note I would like to ask all of you for prayers for my sister and her husband. Bill has been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and he has elected to buy a little more time to be with his family by taking chemo. They switched to a new chemo this week because the tumors had grown even while taking the first rounds of chemo. Anyway, they have been married for 48 years and he and Sue have four boys that live close enough to help out but it looks like it’s going to be a hard fight. Sue is a nurse practitioner so she totally understands what’s going on, but your husband is different from your patients. You can’t separate your emotions from your husband as you must do with your patients. So I just thought I’d ask you to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Enjoy your weekend and be sure to tell someone you love that you do love them. You never know how long you will have them around.