Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Guess I ought to give you all an update on Missy's snake bite. She is doing better each day. Her ability to move her finger is almost back to normal and no, it's not the one she flips at me, if she would ever do anything like that.. It's the ring finger of her right hand. The bruising is going away finally. The snake only got her with one fang on the ring finger of her right hand next to where the pinkie lays, between the first and second joint. Her second joint swelled (swolled=Okie) up about 4 times normal. We weren't sure that it wasn't going to burst open at any moment. It was so swollen that her finger was weeping sera out of the pores along the top of her finger. But the doctors and nurses watched her carefully through the night and determined that it was safe to bring her home, but if there was any more swelling, pain and/or fever I was to get her back to the ER, so she got watched a lot at home also. I know that she is feeling better because she announced this evening that she is going Friday to Noble's City Wide Garage sale and if anyone else wants to go she is leaving at 8 a.m. and that's that!!

Thank you Lord for the small miracles in our life.

Keep it between the lines and stay cool. This heat is dangerous.


joanne said...

So glad to hear that Missy is on the mend. And that garage sale sounds awesome...can I come ;)

Chari said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Missy. I'm so glad that she is on the mend however. Good job on finding that snake! I would have run shrieking and never touched that area again :)

Caution/Lisa said...

Happy snake stories are hard to find!

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

I didn't have the heart to include Aretha. She has really let herself go...AND GROW!!!
