Sunday, September 27, 2009


Week before last Bro and I went into Norman to get our hair trimmed up for THE WEDDING... I had gotten mine trimmed up and shaped up a bit and it was Bro's turn... He had evidently talked to the guy that gives us our cuts while I took a bathroom break. Charles had the clippers out and hair was falling in the floor and Bro was grinning like a 'possum... Then I watched and realized why he was grinning...

To be real honest, I had thought about me getting a faux hawk and Bro and I had talked about it but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to disguise it well enough at the wedding... I was feeling a bit cantankerous but had finally settled down enough to maintain propriety for the wedding and what did my brother do???

Stole my thunder, he did. But I'm still gonna do it.

Maybe for my 65th birthday along with my tattoo...

But on this Sunday, Bro, this one's for you... and for every 69 year old that has enough hair and enough enjoyment of life to 'go for it'!


darsden said...

LMAO I love it! What Spunk, can't wait to see your picture of your hair up :-)

My nephew did that right after katrina when he lost his job...said he too always wanted to do it!

Reddirt Woman said...

Dar I have never been very good about fixin' my hair and when the 'shag' style came in back in the Sixties I swore I'd never sleep on brush rollers again. I don't imagine AquaNet hairspray has noticed that I quit buying it, but I've never been sorry to go to easy care hair. Wash and wear styles but the mohawk is one I've always wanted to do but with working and all I never had the nerve... but I will do it and you will see photos.

farmlady said...

You related to this guy? Yep, I can tell by the attitude. You've got to have "attitude" to carry off a Mohawk. He's look'in good for 69 yrs.
Your turn next. I want to see pictures...

Reddirt Woman said...

FarmLady... I got another post already working in my head about attitudes and mohawks... but not mine yet. And we are fortunate to have pretty good aging genes in our family. My mom lived to 85 and my dad to 92 and both looked younger than their age. My dad used to tease my mom about needing to start making younger friends because all the friends their age were going to see Jesus. And yes, the attitude does run in the family. We do all have fun in our lives... most of the time.

Robynn's Ravings said...

Bro Rocks the Hawk! The Wild Man is on his way to get his updated this week. He doesn't wanna be left out of all the hair-doins! You can sure see a family resemblance between the two of you, Miss Sass! :)

Tina said...

I love your brothers hair but if you go for it you will need to get some funky nails to match!!


joanne said...

love it... I see that spunk runs in the family... lucky gene to have!

Evansmom said...

What a fun family you have!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love it!!!!!!!
i finally managed to post pics and since i took them i have repotted all but one LOL... they are ready for the winter now and hopefully by spring i will know where i want to plant them but if not the pots are big enough to go more than one year! thank you again I LOVE EM! and love you too!

Twisted Fencepost said...

Got more spunk than me! But by the time I get to 60 I may change my mind.
My Captain would divorce me if I cut my hair off anyway. I think I'll keep my hair so I don't find myself living on the street. tee hee

Debbie said...

Okay...go for it. I am already dying to see this. Woman! You got balls if you can do this. BWHAAAAA!!

He does look great for 69!!

Tipper said...

Oh I love it!! What fun! I think he looks pretty darn good with it too : )

Enjoyed the 2 wedding posts-looks like it was fun and lovely.

Anonymous said...

That is just awesome! Some family traits are good and some are bad. I love this one! What attitude you both have. Don't let it ever go away.... Old age is hard enough now a days but with the great spunk you both have OLD AGE better look out!

Debbie said...

You guys are a hoot! I love it! I bet it's fun at your house!! Y'all are great! keep the love and attitude!!!

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

Reddirt Woman said...

Robynn if you got the 5 of us, me and my 4 sibs together, you could see a resemblence with all of us, but the baby brother probably along with Bro looks me.

Tina I still have my fancy toenails... does that count? The first thing I did when I got back to the house after THE WEDDING was to take off the polish and trim my fingernails. I do so much with my hands, and have for years, and it was so hard to let my nails grow out. It's hard even to type. But I promise to keep that in mind for my faux hawk time.

JoJo you know how it is... if you don't have some fun in your life it can be long and miserable. My mom had a cross-stitch a friend made for her that said, "Old age is not for sissies". So I think it means have fun and ignore as best you can all the crap that is going south with your body or else you
will be crying until you are dead.

Evansmom we do have a lot of fun!!! And that's the truth!

Laura I am so glad that you got them okay. The love that started them out sounds like will be continued. Enjoy!

Becky the good thing about being single is that I can do whatever I want with my hair or anything else. You have someone to cuddle you up at night. We'll talk again when you are sixty.

Debbie you know the old joke... "Balls!" said the Queen. "If I had 'em I'd be King!" I'll do it. I just want to do it for me, not because of being cantankerous but I will do it.

Tipper he does look pretty good with it but I don't tell him. I don't want him getting the big head with his Brohawk.

Ronda there are, I'm sure, some family traits that we could do without such as depression and all of us have had to deal with it or are still dealing with it. That is one of the reasons, in my way of thinking, that we try to make our lives fun. Besides the fact that no one wants to be around sad sacks.

Debbie Jean it's more fun when we aren't at home... no really, we do try when we are around each other to enjoy ourselves. That's more fun than being mad at each other.

Tatersmama said...

I keep thinking of going purple, (well maybe a 'slightly' more sedate lavender) but I figure it's just hair and why not?
My guy would love a mohawk, but sadly, he's goin' more for the boiled egg look nowadays... *sigh*
'cept for his ears. Sadly.
Maybe they could give his ear hairs a mohawk, eh?

I want to see YOU with a faux 'hawk... I think it would look great!!

hetty said...

Bro-hawk rocks! I say if you've got the hair, then go for it!

Tina said...

ohhh a brightly colored redhawk would look great with your fancy toenails :)


Roslyn said...

Go bro go, that takes guts!

Aleta said...

I LOVE that last picture - he has a great smile and totally enjoying the look - LOVE IT!

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