Am I the only living person who remembers when campaigns were much, much shorter in duration? By the time this election is in the books, I won't even want to see the face of whichever one wins.
And it's not just the presidential elections, the local and state ones are driving me just as nuts. I get so tired of our politicians and their rivals talking about what crooks the others are and who got pay-offs from whom.
I think about 97% of them ought to be put in jail, just for general principles. Everyone of them seems to deserve some jail time according to the others, so put them all in together for a "time out" and let them think on their many sins. I don't know that it would help, but I'm just saying...
So when I saw got this Maxine opinion in an e-mail, I knew I had to share it with everyone, and this is the easiest way I know to do that. I have really enjoyed Maxine since she came into existence and we share the same ideas.
Maybe it's the old, crochety, bitchy broad in her...
Birds of a feather, you know.
Oh, I am SO with you and Maxine! We have a Maxine hanging in our office that says "trying to pick who to vote for is like trying to pick one mosquito out of a swarm." I like your "jail time for all idea." Since evidently NONE of them play well with others, they all need to be sent back to their own sandboxes! I have never been so sick of an election "season" in my life, and I've never been more digusted by the whole bunch--both locally and national. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
Yup, old and crotchety. That's me! And gettin' more so by the minute until all this is over and done with!
I hear you-and I Amen you!!!
Well, I ain't old or crochety, but I agree with her, too!
Can't wait till it's over!!!
me too! i have voted so at least i dont have to be in the insanity tuesday :) I have the same maxine i so love her LOL.
I adore Maxine!! I have all her cartoons on hand and put a new one up each week as my wallpaper on my computer at work! I particularly like....."Live each day like it's your last? I want to drag all those machines around with me!!"
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