My hens and chicks and other succulents came out strong and happy to show their colors, oh joy, oh joy. Spring is coming.
Let's burst out with all our blooms to celebrate!
Let's throw out beautiful color to welcome spring...
Fifty one days later. I've never lost hens and chicks to heat and am praying that these are not truly gone but will come back next spring.
They look like someone tried to blowtorch them... and I guess in a sense that was true.
Sunflower turning it's face up toward the sun, celebrating...
Now... they can't even hold their heads up...
Ah, beautiful lantana. So bright and vibrant in it's color.
This plant has thrived! It has at least doubled in size and has been blooming it's branches off.
The yellow and white lantana and the beautiful blue plumbago that so delighted me with the colors looking so good together...
I'll be getting more of both those plants next year just in case we have another hot one... but I'm praying that we don't have to go through another summer like this one in my lifetime.
I've shared with you now some of the good, the bad and the ugly. I hope your summer wasn't as tough on your garden as it was on ours. The weather forecasters think we here in Oklahoma will hit the 50 days over 100 degrees F. by Saturday, but having had a break with several rounds of storms will make the rest of the summer bearable.