In looking through my photos trying to inspire some form of emotion I ran across the following photos…
I took this photo when my girls and I were out one beautiful fall day. I don't remember what I was doing, probably putting away garden tools for the winter, but the girls were hunting grasshoppers.
"Aha! I've got one!" says my Chloe... Whereupon she promptly starts trying to rub it out... with her body.
"Got'cha now you ornery little jumping, flying thing!"
"See mom! Right there! I'm a GREAT hunter!"
"You were right, SueSue. This is a great hunting place. Now let's do our break dance to thank the happy grasshopper hunting God..."
"We've got to teach these moves to mom. When she is blue it will make her feel so much better!"
Okay, mom, get down in the grass on your back and WIGGLE!!!"
Meanwhile... in another area of the ponderosa...
Life goes on...
Keep it simple, stupid!
Helen - I was moved by your comment on my blog, which came straight from the heart, and reading your post here I would so like to offer words of comfort, if only words were enough. I have been going through something similar for the last few months (and to a lesser extent for some years before, which you know about) and I have finally told my doctor all about it. I don't qualify for free counselling (I'm not bad enough, apparently!) but have been given tiny little pills to take - and after a few weeks I must admit I'm feeling better. I still feel it's good to talk in these situations though. I worry when you don't blog.
Howdy Soul Sister :)
oh for the ability to keep it simple.
I do miss the freedom of childhood when I did not stop to think through what rolling in the grass would do to my clothes,hair etc...
Like your sweet companions I just rolled with the moment and enjoyed the goodness of life.
I was not always this serious adult person .
Thank you so much Helen for this inspiring post.
I am so glad to have a reddirt soul sister :)
God Bless you .
Until Next Time
Happy Trails
hugs and smiles!
How could you not smile looking at these two little dogs chasing and playing with grasshoppers? But I find it telling that you end with two grasshoppers on the fence that have escaped the marauding dogs. I think that there is a part of you that understands how to "escape" this depression but you might want to run it by a therapist before it goes beyond your ability to see the big picture. Everyone needs some help once in a while. Sometimes the "tiny pills" do make a big difference and talking to someone can really help.
Please do this for yourself and all of us who's only wish is for you happiness. Please.
Keeping it simple also means making some decisions about your life and choosing to ask for help before life gets more difficult.
Please listen to Terry and Lonicera and all your blogging friends who care about you.
We care... we really do.... but it's ultimately your life and you are in the driver's seat.
Love, Connie
Helen I am sorry you are having problems with depression. I suffer from the same demon from time to time, luckily I have been free of it for awhile. There is nothing in this whole world that makes me feel better than to snuggle with a soft adorable schnauzer. If it is really bad and I couldn't stand it and hid under the covers it was better to have Chloe in bed with me. Simple honest love of a soft Schnauzer giving you puppy kisses. That is the price you pay for being artistic...but you can't appreciate the color if you don't have the shadows. Take care friend and get to feeling better.
Thank you for your caring. I don't know about everyone else but when I am bombarded by too much I tend to pull back into my shell, my hidey-hole, and try to fight the demons off by myself. I do take anti-depressants and have for a number of years but this is the first time in years I've felt that I've had no one to talk things out with and I tend to go in circles in my head. Hopefully I've gotten my wake-up call and realized that all I can do is all I can do. Keep it simple, you know...
Terry let's encourage that child in each of us. We musn't ever let this world take that from us!
Laura I sometimes feel that we've fought wars together... your hugs and smiles are very special to me.
Thank you for being so supportive.
My sweet Connie... you are so right and just this week I was looking in the phone book for someone taking patients on a sliding pay scale since I don't have very much social security. I won't let things get too bad, believe me... that happened 40+ years ago and I learned a lot from that experience and don't plan to ever allow myself to get that bad again. Hugs and thank you for your encouragement.
Helen, I had no idea. The comments posted by loving friends are good advice and your answer sounded very positive.
I do the hidey-hole thing too. I'm glad you poked your head out to share this with us. I had a visual image of you out there rolling on your back with your skinny long legs up in the air!! The fact the grasshoppers survived is definitely a sign for you!!
I loved this post hon and sending you big huge hugs!
Hey there Helen - sending some sunshine from Down Under in the hope it'll lift your spirits just a little.
I know what you mean about keeping it simple - just getting outside and taking photos reminds me of the beauty and simple joy there is to be found about me. Like anyone, I get bogged down in the complications life throws my way (and there are plenty)...
Helen, I am your sistah in hidey holes except I call mine my cave. Prozac Princess for many years. I recently had a high speed come apart where my daughters were concerned and am taking my life and my house back. Simple things get us through. So do great friends like you. Panic disorder also sucks and I got the mother lode. You are in my prayers and anything I can do for you, be it listening or whatever, let me know. Love you.
Depression is a wicked disease. I was raised by a mother who suffered severe depression and always worry that I will someday "become her". She never pursued any help however. And I am convinced that is a critical piece of the healing. Help comes in many forms - counseling, medication, love of family and friends. Be open to them all if needed.
It can be a bear to get out of a blue funk-just finding the energy to make a plan.But you can do it I know you can so hug on those two little buddies of yours, my Button was such a comfort to me after Matthew died, their love is constant & unconditional.
I have been here to read your post many times, but I just couldn't leave a message until now. I have no words of wisdom when it comes to depression. Hope you get things sorted out soon. In the meantime, keep those girls of yours close. Sending you hugs.
Hi Helen, I haven't been on blogger in a while to post, but I wanted to tell you I think of you often, it's that Reddirt OKla thing ya know. I loved this post and pictures of your girls. My wieners have been on mouse safari all month since they have harvested the fields. I swear Abby (my red weiner) asked me the other day "mom, if I can catch another mouse, can I have mouse and cheese on a cracker?" Dave and I got a great laugh out of that, because of couse I had to tell him what I thought she was asking.
I read your Comment on WWOW, to Hallie about CJ, I think you had some beautiful words for her too.
Thank you for being my blogger friend.
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