Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Last Corn Report… Maybe…

Except for when I eat it… Then I will have to tell you about the taste…

corn 9.12.09 002 The corn on the top was the first one on the tallest stalk of the good day corn.  The next one was on the next biggest stalk also good day corn.

odds and ends 9.15.09 004 This was on one of  the smaller ears on the good day corn, but the silks had gone brown which means it’s done.  All of  these ears were on the small side but as I said they were planted about a month late for Oklahoma weather and all would be bigger but I still am glad I participated in Tipper’s planting trial.  The Blind Pig and The Acorn, Tipper’s blog site is a lot of fun to read and she really has good planting info, she does canning, makes art, tells good stories and her daddy and brother make really good music.  Drop by her place and read a bit when you have a moment.  It is well worth the trip.

The bad day corn is still trying to get there and there are two or three small, small ears still trying to come out on the good day corn but with all the rain and the milder days I really think that they are all about done for this year. This has been a lot of fun for me, I’ve learned a lot and hope that I’ve passed good information on to you and been entertaining to you all, too. 

Dang… now I’m going to have to figure out which of all the fun stories running around in my head I’m going to share next.  I’m going to try to do at least one more post before I head south to Ft. Worth for the wedding this weekend and I’m thinking I’m going to have to do a give away next week after I get back.  I’ve passed my 200th post mark without even realizing it and, besides that, it’s been a while since I’ve had a give away.

Stay tuned…


  1. Kinda Corny... LMAO sorry couldn't resist. I am impressed by the good and the bad corn. Mine never made it anywhere close to those :-)

  2. I'm not sure how many more post titles I could come up with for corn, Dar, so it's just as well the season is about done for...

  3. I'm going to have to read back through, and see what the differences were with the good and the bad corn...
    Well, I remember the gist of it, but I'm thinking of planting some of my own corn soon, and I want all the tips I can get.

    I used to grow it in California, but for some reason, I always ended up losing half of the crops to corn smut, and that stuff is nasty!!!

    Have a wonderful trip, and be sure to share some pics when you get back!

  4. As long as the post is really about corn, the eating kind, as opposed to the kind on your feet. Then we'd be getting the post confused with the pedicure post.

  5. Katie do you all have The Farmer's Almanac in Oz? I'd send you a copy but it would be upside down for your needs... I've heard most all my life that you plant root crops, potatoes, carrots and such on the wane of the moon and above ground crops, corn, beans, etc. on the wax of the moon. But Tipper, over at Blind Pig and The Acorn read further in the Almanac as to what sign of the zodiac is best for planting or worst for planting. That was the experiment and those days were only 3 days apart...

    Mary Ellen I try real hard not to confuse anyone because I'm confused so much of the time all by myself...

  6. Well, this post just confirms what we already knew, doesn't it?
    Looks like you'll have an ear or two of sweet tasting corn for dinner. I'm so jealous! tee hee

  7. Well at least you get to taste some of it : ) I'm so thankful you played along-I think yours did better than anyone elses. Next year-I promise and easy test-and an early start date for sure!!

    (I may steal your pics for a post)

  8. Oh man. I'm so late reading this. Now you'll never know I'm praying for you to have a great time at that wedding. But I'll still be praying. I hope you come back full of stories, or full of somethin'. Can't wait to hear, Sass.


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