Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Don’t Recognize My Toes…

A week ago my niece treated me to my first ever pedicure… It was wonderful.  As I’m sure most of you know… but I didn’t… they put your feet in a warm whirlpool type of tub.  Nancy Lu told them to give us both the “deluxe” treatment.  They scrubbed and they massaged and the girl nipped with the nippers and worked on the calluses on my big toes and around my heels but she didn’t have a whole lot to do past the rough spots.  I’m a toe-picker like PW, even though we aren’t related.  I keep cuticle nippers by my love seat and I keep my feet as well as my fingers cleaned up because I hate hangnails… and are they called hangnails when they are on your toes?

Anyway, what is really interesting to me is when I glance down at my feet, even after a week, it’s like whose toes are those? Who stole my toes and stuck these on my feet?

My feet I think they call these French Nails, even though the young woman who did them for me would not be guessed as a French girl…   There are little flowers, little pink flowers, painted on my big toes and in the center of each little flower is a rhinestone! for pete’s sake… Who would have thunk it! 


  1. Now that's an amazing work of art! I've wanted to try the tiny carp ever since reading about the "fish pedicure" -

    Enjoy your feet!!!
    Nancy in Iowa

  2. I may be the only other person alive who has not had a pedicure. It sounds divine! And looks be-u-ti-ful...girl you have got some pretty peds there...;p

  3. Yes, aren't pedicures simply wonderful! In England they distinguish between pedicure and chiropodist treatment - the latter more medically orientated, and you get no pampering whatsoever. Unfortunately as a diabetic I need to have the latter every three months, so there's no point in going for pedicures.

  4. Oh boy, now you've out classed me. I've never had a pedicure, other than me picking my toes. I'm not related either. tee hee
    I kinda felt the same way about who's toes are those, but with my fingernails. From a child, I bit my fingernails. Then one day when I was about 25, I noticed I had fingernails instead of chewed to the quick stubby nails. I stared filing and shaping and painting. There was nail dust, cuticle clippings and polish flying all over the place.
    I doesn't take much to make me happy. tee hee

  5. Hey Sass! Those'll look GREAT as your slogging out to the garden through all that rain in your flip-flops! lol

    But now YOU'LL know, and WE'LL know that under the mud oozing through your toes, are your jewel encrusted works of art. A little mud never affects true beauty!

  6. I just had my first pedicure about two months ago. It was wonderful. I think I could get used to it very easily. Enjoy ! and they look pretty darn good in my opinion....i never would have thunked it!!! (we still need to do pictures!)

  7. I had my first-ever pedicure about a year ago - and last Friday I treated a 20-year old to her first ever. She fell asleep in the chair! Those pedicures are well worth the money!

  8. Hi, Mom L... thanks for stopping by. I'll have to check on the 'fish pedicure' Sounds like something right up my alley! Drop in again, anytime...

    JoJo I'm on the southern side of 64and I got my first. My niece is such a sweetie. She was excited to do something for me that I'd never experienced before.

    Caroline I know that as a diabetic you have to take special care of those toes and feet. Maybe you can talk that sweet fellow of yours into giving you a foot rub every now and then. It feels so good.

    Becky that's about the time I quit chewing my nails. If I don't keep them clipped and nipped or filed and there are rough places I still want to bite them off. I haven't had the manicure yet but I'll probably do that this week to look good for the wedding I'm going to...I've been letting them grow and using gloves outside in the dirt.

    Actually Robynn, I've been told that a good mud pack or mud bath can enhance our beauty... but I haven't tried that on purpose anyway...

    Yep Lisa I haven't forgotten. It just seems that life got in the way all this summer. I hope things will settle down and we can get together this fall. I wish I could afford to get a pedicure once a month, it felt so good to be pampered...

    Laura, that is definately a good word for them!

    Staci doesn't it feel great and to watch a 20 year old fall asleep on your treat had to be such fun for you... knowing it felt that wonderful to her.

  9. Hey, those are some good looking tootsies there!
    I've never had a pedicure either, and to tell you the truth, it's embarassment that's been holding me back!
    I'm a picker too... and I seem to have gottern disfigured toenails from 55+ years of doing it. (I USED to bite them, but gave it up about 15 years ago. I know... Ewww!)
    I don't even like to wear flip flops around the house, because of the ugliness!

  10. How adorable! I have never had one either. I am afraid the technician would run screaming in the other direction once I took off my shoes! LOL I might have to treat myself and my daughter to one after she has the baby and can see her feet again! Love your toes!

  11. I love getting the toe's just makes me feel so "girly".

  12. I have my toes done about every 6 weeks or so. I love to have neat looking feet all year round but also because I wear sandals most of the year [even spring & fall in AZ]
    French manicure is my fave too! Both for hands & feet-& yes I think they are "hangnails" on feet or hands, Helen!
    My salon does a great job, lovely foot/leg massage & the chair massages too!

  13. Katie, I love you girl!!! I never ever thought I'd hear somebody else admit to having bitten their toenails at one time or another. The emergency measures we have been know to enact when we have no clippers around...

    Ronda I'm sure that the nail techs have seen worse... but they are very good about making them look as good as possible and you really ought to try it. Like GingerJar says it does make you feel girly.

    And GingerJar you are right and I would never have thought about it but it does make you feel kinda girly!

    Ros, the manicure is next. I've been trying to decide whether I want them to do the French nails or to put a color on them for the wedding this weekend. I'll post about it when I do the other wedding photos. I've been told I have to get pictures of me in something other than jean shorts and tees. Oh, and yes, the chair massaged also.

  14. I've had one pedicure, many years ago, and I loved it. I think I may have asked the young woman who was massaging the salt scrub into my feet if she would marry me. It's not in my budget these days, but it's on the list for 'someday.'

  15. I certainly understand budget... If my niece hadn't wanted to treat me I still would not have had one... Are you about ready for your new job, M.E.?

  16. Ready? Are you nuts? I have 3 outfits and I need at least 5! And I have two pairs of shoes that will only work while it is still warm. I'm headed to Goodwill today to see if I can find anything.

    Mentally, though, I'm more than ready. I can't wait to be employed again (although I have no idea when I'll get the laundry done!)

  17. woohoo those are some fine looking toes!! Be careful you will get addicted.


  18. First time visitor, found you via your comment on Country Girl.
    Funny post! I went to a basket making class Tues night; some of the women were bemoaning the fact their manicures were going to get wrecked and "there goes $40" (manicure and pedicure cost). The other shepherd and I glanced at each other and I said, "just think how many bags of salt minerals $40 will buy". She laughed and agreed.
    Your pedicure is lovely, bet you enjoyed being pampered. That's always a Very Good Thing. -smile-

  19. I have found it on this website called [url=]tip swift[/url]. You can find it there.
    edit: wrong post

  20. Hi all

    The name's Dennis, though most people call me 'Freaky'. :P I'm in my "teens" and kinda lost in the world at the moment...however, I've found the hippie "culture" and discovered that it fits me very well...I'm not trying to fit into it, it just kind of fitted onto me.
    I have lots of questions, which hopefully some of the older and wiser people on this board will be able to help answer.
    Here's to hoping this board will be able to help me discover more of myself and fuel my beliefs.

    Peace out, Dennis from [url=]Payday Loans[/url] website!


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