Friday, September 18, 2009

Just A Snippet...

Does anyone else find it odd... The first time the temperature gets to 60 degrees F. in the spring how it feels like short sleeve weather but the first time after a hot summer when it gets to 60 degrees F. you start looking for a jacket?


  1. I know it! It's kind of like we're wanting what we can't quite have - if that makes any sense.


  2. I know. One day I came to work in short sleeves on a crisper morning than normal and a group of ladies walking to the state building in front of me had jackets on and one had on a parka! I haven't donned anything like that yet! Maybe it is my personal insulation and that is why I don't feel the cold as much! LOL

  3. It's so true. I remember visiting Virginia in March one year, and I was wearing short sleeves and thinking the weather was gorgeous. My cousin, who lived there, was walking beside me wearing a parka, hat and mittens. It was around 60 degrees.

  4. in the summer we keep the house around 70 and it seems hot... in the winter 68 for the heat and it seems hot... makes no sense to me...
    plants are potted and looking beautiful we have rain and they are loving it... thank you!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Strangely enough Staci, that does make sense...

    Ronda it will have to get way colder before I get my heavier coat out...

    M.E. I went to Hawaii years ago for Christmas with a bunch of friends. I was out swimming... it was beautiful, 85 degrees outside. The native were in sweats and jackets saying they were cold.

    Laura, you're right, it makes no sense with the 70 being not quite cool enough yet 68 in the winter seems almost stifling. Glad you got the plants okay. Enjoy.

  6. So true!
    I've already got out the jeans and the sweat jacket.

  7. When you figure out this snippet I want to know the answer-I've wondered about the same thing!

  8. I have thought the exact same thing!

  9. Astute observation. The same goes for the inside thermostat. Set it at 78 in the summer and you're freezing. If the heat was at 78 in the winter you'd be dyin'. Are there two DIFFERENT ways to experience temperature?


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