Saturday, September 19, 2009

Going To The Chapel…

And she’s gonna get ma-a-arried…

I’m in Ft. Worth, TX, this weekend for the wedding of one of my many nieces… And it’s quite the wedding.

Laura Laura came to Bartlesville for a visit and she, as well as her mom and myself, loved watching Little House On The Prairie.  One of the places that the Ingalls family lived in Kansas was about 45 or 50 miles from Bartlesville So I took Laura up there on one of the day trips we took while she was visiting with us. The above photo was taken in one of the school seats…

Laura 2This photo was taken inside the log cabin… Not great shots, but you will have something to look back for a comparison when I update with wedding pictures.   When we left and headed for home and were about a quarter of a mile from turning on the main highway to Bartlesville a school bus turned off the main road and stopped to deliver a child to home.  We stopped and waited and a little girl jumped of the bus and was running up the drive and her dog came running down the drive to meet her, jumping with excitement and her momma waved to the bus driver.

It was one of those memories that sticks in your mind like a photograph.  I know that it was a special moment for Laura and I was so glad that it happened just shortly after we had left the little house and the little school room on the prairie.


  1. Wow, how cool was that with the lil girl! Sounds like a very nice day. Can't wait to see the wedding pictures.

  2. Glad you made that time for her, Sass. People who reach out and bless us like that make our lives so much richer. You have enriched mine. I hope I get to come and go on the same tour!

  3. How cool is that? I used to love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books! I read every one of them many times. Looking forward to seeing the wedding photos.

  4. I had a very good day, Dar. I hope someone got photos because I don't want to put on real clothes for another 10 years.

    Robynn it has never ceased to amaze and delight me when I've made special time for someone it blesses me as much, if not more... That's what makes it such fun. And if you want to go on that same trip I'd be delighted to take you. I ran by the kids house yesterday and gave Jenny some blackeyed peas to cook up and try and also gave her tomatoes and hot banana peppers and cayenne peppers out of the garden so she can make salsa for Max. She likes tomatoes but Max only like them in salsa when she saw the tomatoes and peppers she said he was going to be very happy. He was at school and the baby was asleep and Bro was waiting in the truck so we just visited for a minute. I had to go buy some makeup for the wedding..

    Hetty I'll send you some photos if you'd like. Laura had read all the books and watched the show. I never read the books but I'd like to go to the library and get started on them.

  5. Oh, if you can't be MY neighbor Helen, at least you're my neighbor once removed to take care of those I love! You are a sweetie to do all that. LOVE YOU, SASS!

  6. What a sweet post.
    And a very pretty lady! Seems to run in the family.

  7. The Laura Ingalls books have provided great memories for so many! When my girls were little we lived about 30 minutes from De Smet, SD - home to Laura Ingalls when they settled in South Dakota. My oldest daughter was a bridesmaid last summer in an outdoor wedding held on the Ingalls homestead site. The girls could just imagine Laura Ingalls walking the same meadow.

    Enjoy that wedding!

  8. What a great story - I can imagine it. Thanks for sharing. Hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding.

  9. How fun! I can't wait to see the wedding pictures.

  10. I still have that series of books - they are great fun and not hyper-rabid like some books. Nice for winter reading.

  11. I can't wait to see wedding photos. Laura's last home is in Mansfield, MO just a hop skip and jump from here. Where she and Almonzo raised Rose. There is a rock home and then the bigger white clapboard home with museum as well. Couple years ago Doc was here in person!! Would be neat to travel to all the homes where she grew up.


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