Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Lost My A....

Well, actually I didn't lose it because I still have my 'a', but the metal clip that holds it to my keyboard is gone. While I'm getting used to typing with a different "feel" to my 'a' finger, I just thought I would write about it because, as we all know, I could use a proof reader and sometimes I miss the little mistakes. So if you see words with an extra 'a', like baanaana, or words that are missing an 'a', like wht's that or such, just know that I've lost the "feeling" in my 'a' and I miss it sometimes.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Becky, thanks for stopping by... I clicked on your name to visit your blog to thank you, but it says your blog isn't open. So I just have to say thanks here and hope you stop back again and see this note. Hope your weekend was a good one.

    Thanks again for stoppin' in...


  2. oh Helen, what to do with you? I mean really, who could lose their "a" ;)


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