Monday, August 25, 2008

A Grass Roots Movement...


This just in off the blogging wire....

There is a groundswell rumbling through our country. An event of epic (maybe) purportion, preportion, porportion, well, a big damn event. And it was conceived in the mind of a retired militant, errrrr, a retired military person, a blogger, a woman. I am now formally endorsing this candidate. You want someone to clean up the government? This woman can do it. Big business? No problem. Fuel costs? She will handle that, too. How do I know this? She has two teenage sons and two wiener dogs, and, lest we forget, a marvelous husband, and if she can deal with them, she can deal with anything!!! Want proof? Go check it out...
Wonderful World of Wieners

Stand up America! Stand up for women's rights! Stand up for wieners! Stand up for the rights of the little guy... Now get out there and VOTE.

(this is not a paid political ad... this is just part of the ground swell of a swell idea...)


  1. Thanks for endorsing my candidate! This is such a cool program but I can't take credit for it. I have no idea who created it. A breeder from from Texas sent it to me with her name and I tried it with my name but Hallie's works better. Stay cool!

  2. I do not mind at all. In fact I love it. You did a much better job presenting it than I did. Now lets get the word out there!!

  3. This message was paid for by the HALLIE FOR PRESIDENT SOCIETY!!!

    (and she freakin' loves it!!)


  4. Can you imagine the national holidays we would have? That is just too cute ;)

  5. LOVE IT!!!!! She has my vote. However, I am afraid the first new holiday will be send President HALLISICLE a prada bag. LOL

  6. I hope you realize what you've done... :)

  7. Awesome! Not to mention the running mate being announced, Mr. Sock Monkey will be a true asset to this ticket! I look forward to a virtual train ride across our blogging nation! Woo-Hoo!

    ~AirmanMom returning to her blog...


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