Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Gotta Get On This Earlier In The Day…

I’ve been gone since 10 a.m. this morning… trying to get stuff done.  I got home in time for beans, cornbread, fried okra and fried potatoes… Then was sitting here and watching the news and it hit me….

I hadn’t posted yet today.  Crap!  Okay so there are going to be days like this but it seems like a buttload of them have jumped on me since I started this personal challenge of posting something every day this month.  I guess my bulldog tenacity has kicked in now.  I hate to commit to something and then not carry through on my commitment.  So I’ve decided that I will share something that I have carried in my wallet for forty years…

“Not By Bread Alone: After Hippocrates”

Written in 1907 by James Terry White and read:

“If thou of fortune be bereft

And in thy store there be but left

Two loaves, sell one and with the dole

Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.”



I’ll try do more tomorrow but I had to get a post together for this evening so I decided to share something that’s been near and dear and given me inspiration for many, many years.



Roslyn said...

In college I would take the bus to the city[Sydney], from Camperdown a few miles away to shop in my pointy toe 3" stiletto's, stockings, form fitting straight skirt, updo hair,then with only enough left for bus-fare home I would buy a bunch of violets from a street stall vendor & WALK home! And oh the scent of the flowers........
Those were the days!

joanne said...

love this poem, and Ros's comment. Day 13 and we're still hanging in there...way to go Helen.

Debbie said...

Oh Helen, I want some of your dinner!! Sounds so good!! Who cooked for you?

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

GingerJar said...

Oh, yes, my favorite flower...grew in my grandma's yard, in Oklahoma 9of course). All I have to do is close my eyes, imagine and smell, and it all comes back to are so lucky. I love the poem..

Reddirt Woman said...

Roslyn you must be my heart sister. Love the flowers... And yes, those were the days.

JoJo did you think we'd make 2 much less 13? You go, girl!

Debbie Jean, Carol cooked dinner. She is by far the better cook. I called her after I left the house and told her a pot of brown beans sounded good for supper and not much trouble... then got home to find she'd cooked all the other stuff...mmmmmmmmmm good!

Hi, GingerJar... Long time no see. Hope all is well with you and yours. Hyacinths have the sweetest odor and though they don't last long they leave a lasting impression.

Debbie said...

Light bulb moment with that quote...I only eat when my stomach growls loudly and seem to only feed my soul when it cries out.

This is probably the most important post I'll read today my sweet Helen.

Thank you...

Reddirt Woman said...

Debbie you need to start listening to your soul before it starts to cry out... That's a hard one to learn... at least it was for me. That is one reason I carry that poem with me. It seems I run across it in my wallet when I need most to be reminded of what is important.

Thank you for your touching comment. my friend...