Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sweat .....

No other way to say it, it's just plain old sweat. It's a beautiful morning out here in the hinterlands and I've been out weeding in the garden. I noticed some poison ivy up close to the fence where the cantaloupe are growing and thought I'd better do some killing. I mixed up a couple of gallons in the sprayer and have been walking around doing some spraying and the sweat started dripping. I'm not talking a little dew on my upper lip, or a little glow on my brow, I mean running down my face, dripping on my feet, the plants,and on my glasses if I bend over, salty, drippy sweat. I always heard, growing up, that it was okay for ladies to glow a little, maybe even get to that next level, perspire, but, as the commercial says, don't ever let them see you sweat. I don't have to worry much about anybody seeing me, out here in the boonies, but dang, I hate it when the sweat drips on my glasses. It's only 75 degrees outside, with a 10-12 mph south breeze, so I didn't think when I went out about putting on a sweat band or tying a hankie around my head. I guess before I go out I'm going to have to remember to do just that or get over getting irritated when I drip on my glasses. One good thing, though... "they" say that perspiration is good for cleansing your pores and keeping your face nice and zit free... I ought to have the nicest skin in town.

Have a good one and try to stay cool...


Wonderful World of Weiners said...

I make youstop eating just like PW? How cool!! But I havent even once had calf nuts on my blog!!

Hallie :)

Reddirt Woman said...

Hallie, I know you haven't ever had calf nuts on your blog, but dang girl I hate to have to clean my computer after spewing diet Pepsi out of my nose, or after blowing mashed potatoes out of my mouth because you are too funny... you get the drift...

Thanks for stopping by...

Chari said...

Helen, Oh I miss sweat! That darn ankle surgery has taken that away for a time. As soon as I get to work hard I'm taking my inspiriation from you and posting on my blog about it! I miss it!!!!