Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Off The Walls Of My Mind…

Sometimes I sit around and think too much…  Usually about one thing, but sometimes like today I have random thoughts bouncing around in my head and every now and then a thought will even stop me in my tracks.  The one thought that I’d like to share with you all today…

What costume would Lady GaGa wear for Halloween?  Would she just run around with no make-up, a pair of old jeans and a sweatshirt and normal shoes? 

This is just on example of the wonderful things that trip through my mind when I’m sitting doing something mindless on the computer but I’ll share some of my more normal recent moments now and the photos to back them up…

October 30th I went out to my Cuz’s with the girls and spent the night and had a very good visit with her and my Bro.  The pupsters got to run around outside without leashes on and they, too, had a great visit with Spud and Lucky.  My Cuz and I wandered out to the back garden on a stroll and picked these…

10.30.2010 007 Well, at least the bell peppers part of these.  We went to the front and picked all those jalapeno peppers.

10.30.2010 006 

Both the bell pepper plants and the jalapeno plant were loaded still with babies and blooms both.  They have been producing like crazy since the weather cooled down. The okra is done for the season but I thought you’d enjoy seeing what the okra looks like when it is dried:

 compactor and okra 002

These are some that I picked up, two were on the ground and two were dried on the plants.  The seeds rattle in them like a baby rattle and these four will have enough seeds to insure that I have okra seeds enough for a small plot in my yard in Norman. 

compactor and okra 003 If you look real close you can see the two pods on your left have just barely started splitting open, but what I think is so neat is the ribbon look to the pods.

Earlier in the week my cousin had picked these:

10.30.2010 008 Roma tomatoes and more bell peppers.  When we were in the front I checked out the tomato plants and there was a load of green tomatoes even at this late date.

But this is what caught my eye initially and drew me out to the front garden…

10.30.2010 003 My yellow double blooming iris that I had moved from Noble was blooming!

10.30.2010 005 Lordy I love having a touch of spring in the fall.  Whomever was the genius that managed to breed double blooming iris is wonderful.  If I ever meet them I’ll give them a big kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

My black mood that I’ve been trying to deal with was lightened, at least for the afternoon, thanks to my Cuz, my Bro, the dogs and a mystery iris hybridizer.


  1. we are kindrid spirits Helen...glad you a feeling a little lighter today...take care.

  2. Oh, the Aquarian mind...we have to be able to laugh at where our thoughts take us, don't we?

    Your photos are so good, I almost got visual heartburn. I'm glad you are feeling better Ms. Helen :)

  3. beautiful flower and great peppers and maters... HUGS

  4. It's funny to think that you're still getting 'maters in your neck of the woods, and here I'm getting ready to plant some of my own this weekend! My last tomato crop lasted "well" into winter for some reason (maybe because the spot was protected?) so I'm feeling happy that the next lot is getting ready to tempt my tastebuds already.
    Something managed to eat my cilantro to the ground though, but I'll just keep putting in more until I can get it going. A day without cilantro is like a ermmm... day without cilantro! lol!

    And that double iris is absolutely GORGEOUS, girtl!! If that doesn't lift your spirits, I don't know what would!!

  5. JoJo I felt like we were kindreds for a long time. I know that things will lighten up sooner or later but sooner would be preferable. In the meantime I'll grab the tid-bits...

    I'm afraid, Debbie, that if I wasn't able to play in my mind my world would be a much less joyous world. Our insanities do keep us sane, don't they?

    Laura I know you can taste those in the photos just like I can... not as good as for real but we can taste them in our minds. And thank you for the HUGS... I needed them.

    And it seems funny to me that you are just putting your 'maters in... what a wonderful world we live in. Put some chicken wire around that cilantro patch... sounds like bunnies or maybe a cat thinkin' it's catnip?


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