Monday, March 1, 2010

Contrary To Popular Belief…

I’m not dead.  I just feel like h.e. double hockey sticks.  I’ve been down with the worst cold I’ve had in a long time.  Started off with bubbling in my right ear.  Should’ve known something was coming on because usually it’s my left ear bubbling and that’s not an unusual thing for me.  My left ear is kinda stupid anyways, what with the tinnitus and partial deafness, but I digress…  Don’t you love that term?  There is something musical about it… I digress… much more so that I transgressed or, well, you get what I mean.  Anyhow, I’ve been down for a week with the cruddy cough, sinus drainage and throat irritation that aggravated the nasty cough.  I’ve been hitting the Sudafed, the Mucinex, the NyQuil and anything else that I thought might put a stop to all of the aforementioned symptoms. 

The saving grace in all this was that it happened during the Olympics and I’d already put everybody on notice that I would basically be unavailable for the duration of said Winter Games. I don’t know about you, but I think a vacation every couple of years is warranted and, again, I don’t know about you but I think it flat out sucks when you get sick on vacation.  That’s what you have sick days for …  even retired folks are entitled to sick days where you don’t have to do “honey-dos” or “want-to dos” but, dang, on vacation???!!!

Then there is the weirdness that happens when you put all that mixture of o.t.c. meds in the feverish boiling pot of your body.  I got to thinking about some strange things and for me to admit to thinking my thoughts were strange is, in and of itself, strange.  I mean my friends and family all tease me about having playdays in my head anyway and are used to me coming up with off the wall thoughts.

Last night I had turned off the t.v. and was playing on the computer,  a game that only required one finger to move on my mouse, not all ten fingers like to type this idiocy… I heard what sounded like someone crying, an adult, a woman, talking to someone like you would on a phone.  I brushed it off that it was probably something on the t.v. in the other room and then in a minute I heard it again. It was so real to me that  I got up, remember this is about 1 a.m., and looked into my cousin’s bedroom across the hall from mine to see if she was in distress about something, nope, she wasn’t even in bed yet.  I walked on into the dining area and looked into the den and she was reading, nothing wrong there, and I looked at Bro and told him I’d been taking too many drugs and was hearing things.  The show that he had on t.v. was one of those daily catch up the gossip “news” shows from the Olympic village and there was no crying woman on there.  I explained what I had heard and he said they had done a piece on Anna Nicole after her son died and she had been crying during the interview.  Whew… that explained the crying woman I was hearing… 

Now if I can figure out how to solve the problem of  “Indian drawers”, you know the kind, they always creep up on you, and figure out how to fix the “Free Willy” zipper on my jeans (even though I don’t have a Willy to free you know the zipper that opens up on it’s own) and get over this cold all will, once again, be right again in my zany world.


  1. The crying woman would have freaked me out too. Think of ghosts and such. I'm glad you figured it out! I'm just now finally... getting over a cold, so I really feel for you!

  2. Sorry you have the crud, Helen, rest & get well soon!

  3. too strange...before I came over here I was thinking about Anna and her son, wondering about her little girl. wow, are we related??
    Glad you are feeling better, honestly I just thought you were hooked on the Olympics or I would have checked in sooner. Take care girlfriend..;p

  4. Sorry to hear you are feeling sick. I just thought you were glued to the Olympics, like I was, and didn't have time for computers. Get some sleep and feel better soon!

  5. I am glad you're not dead. Very glad. Sorry about the yuckiness though. My daughter's jeans always have zippers like that. What a bother!

  6. I hope you feel better soon. I personally like both digressions and transgressions...of course not digressions while transgressing..but definitely transgressive digressions..that would be fun :)...but i digress...I'm glad you didn't have a crying woman move into your head. That would have been quite annoying and bothersome.


  7. Are you sure you didn't take an Ambien? Sounds like that woman lives in an Ambien induced haze!! :)



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