Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Here And There…

And everywhere…

my girls 076 Well, here we go again… These next couple of posts I decided to do have to do with there. Bartlesville,  Oklahoma.  Where I really got into the gardening.  And doing home decorating.  Carol would look at me funny when I suggested the colors for the sunroom but she loved it when she saw how it was coming around.

my girls 077 In our home in B’ville we had a built in porch on the east side of the house.  It was not closed in  but we hired it done because of our love of plants and flowers.

my girls 078  I loved this rubber plant.  We were able to have a lot of indoor plants because of this room.

sunroom 2 I would sit in the living room in my easy chair and watch the sun move and how it shone on the different areas and on the different plants sitting around. You can see my safety glasses there by the canned air.

sunroom 900 MacklynSo I’d take my breaks and look at the whiteness of the room and I decided that I needed to paint it a very clear yellow for several reasons.  One reason was the plants would really *POP* against the yellow.

my girls 054 Here’s a shot of the yellow in progress.  You can see where I taped off the ceiling from the bead board above the walls.   I wanted to keep that white to give the illusion of crown moulding… wide crown moulding and also I kept the door mouldings white.  And it added a crispness to the whole room. 

my girls 060 Here you can see why Carol thought I had finally gone ‘round the bend, as it were… I painted the inside of the windows with a firey orange.  In the mornings and during the day it was an incredible effect, if I say so myself, and one of those rare ideas that really worked.

my girls 061The ceiling I painted and sponged with three colors of green.  Carol doesn’t care for most shades of green, with the exception of  living green as in the plants and money green, but she loved the ceiling because it wasn’t just green.  The sponging almost gave a cloudy effect.

With my next post, hopefully tomorrow, I’ll take you to where this all began… You know me, I do things a little bass-ackwards.


  1. Wow talk about a green thumb! You been holding out on us!! Beautiful :-)

  2. That room is absolutely gorgeous! I like the idea of taping off the ceiling to make it look like crown molding...very nice. And my gosh Helen you certainly can grow plants be it indoors or out. What a great room..;p I can see why you want to spend the mornings in there...

  3. Looks great! I love all those plants. I used to have quite a few plants too. But working and not having much spare time, I either killed them or gave them away.
    I'm with Carol on the green....plants and money. That's it.

  4. ok i know i am out of it most the time but when where and why are you moving??? or are you moving? love the room love the plants i would so live in that room! My plants are doing wonderfully since getting them nice pots to live in THANK YOU every day when i look to see what changes they have made i think of you :) sweet huh!
    love n hugs!

  5. Dar writing about our Bartlesville home is very difficult because I had worked for 10 years, mostly weekends and after work, getting the home and the gardens looking great. Didn't mean to hold out on you... it's just makes me ache inside going back there.

    JoJo I even actually enjoyed getting up in the morning because of the colors and just the gorgeousity of the sitting area. The room itself was about 12'X20' so there was a lot of room and it looked out over the backyard which you'll see one of these posts.

    Becky I kinow for a fact that even when you work you can grow plants. You just have to schedule a time for them. That was easy for me because I didn't have children or a husband. I'd work on plants either Saturday or Sunday... watering and taking off dead leaves and such or dividing and starting new plants. When I started I had a tendency to overwater and I've killed my fair share learning.

    Laura I'm moving this month to Norman. The why is more difficult but basically to be closer to doctors, groceries, pharmacies and friends. We will be living in a neighborhood that has good road... like paved instead of the potholes of death we have on the 1/2 mile stretch to get to a paved road. We will have cable internet and t.v. that doesn't go off when it rains and we, as Okies in the tornado belt of America, might need to DUCK.

  6. Wow-Helen the room is beautiful-you were quite the decorator!

  7. Wow! That was one heck of a nice room! Lots of plants! I love that! And I also love the stained glass piece! You did a great paint job too!

  8. OHhhhhhhh! I LIKE IT A LOT! I never would have thought of the orange color, but it works. It really does!

  9. Oh my gosh! I love that room - it looks great, relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Just gorgeous.

  10. That room is a dream room for me. It is so pretty with all the plants!! I love plants. I want to get some more. My dogs and plants are what I take care of, of course David too...LOL. I want some hens and chicks but can't find any. You have quite the green thumb!! Thanks for showing us what a talented lady that you are!!! Look forward to more!!

    God Bless~
    Debbie Jean

  11. Nice job, Helen! Very impressive. . .


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