Thursday, September 24, 2009

THE Wedding, Part Two…

wedding cake I know it’s awful to put yet another photo of the wedding cake but we are moving on to the reception momentarily… But first… a word from from her parents… (D. Menard)

Mom and pop My brother Ben and his wife Diane after the ceremony… note the big smiles… no words, however, I fibbed about that part... but the picture says a thousand words.  They do both love Tyler and that’s great.  They know he will love and honor Laura and she’s as crazy about him as he is about her.   (D. Menard)

his cake The groom’s cake.  Tyler, besides being a huge OU fan since he graduated from OU and was president of his fraternity, is a huge Red Sox fan.  The  cake was chocolate… and despite his choice of teams (being a Texas Rangers fan myself) the cake was almost as good as the bride’s cake.  Yes, I ate a piece of both.  My job is to share photos with you and to report things as they really were, keeping it real, you know.  (D. Menard)

cutting the cake I think that the kids are having too much fun… which is totally as it should be…  (D. Menard)

cutting the cake Tyler is doing such a good job of  getting out a piece of cake after he and Laura made the first cut. They were so sweet to each other, not shoving the cake in each others faces… (D. Menard)

the toast The toast… now we are getting something to wet the whistle and wash down the cake…  (D. Menard)

first dance Shall we dance? Shall we dance with each other, shall we fly?  (name that movie)  They look so right for each other and so at ease… I think the rest of the world could have disappeared at this moment and all would have still been right in their world.    (D. Menard)

First dance with Pop The first dance with Pop.  Bless his heart, he had been dealing with a bad back for several weeks, but he managed to not only walk Laura down the aisle, give her away and pull off  his dance with her.  Brother of mine, you came through for the Baby Girl… (D. Menard)

cottoneyed Joe  The dancing commenced.  The girl in the front green dress is my niece, at least I more than claim her since she is married to my nephew Paul… And is the mother of the incredible Max… I’ll introduce you to him one of these days.  I think they were doing the Cotton-eyed Joe here.   Those line dances fascinate me… probably because I have two left feet.

Wedding 9.19.09 042 Mom was boogeying down while getting her cake…

pass the champagne Now get me some iced tea to wash it all down…

Devonna and Diane Diane and her best friend for many years and my friend that let me swipe some of her photos for these wedding posts, Devonna Menard.  I so thank you for sharing with me, Bonna, so I could share with everyone that wanted to read about this shindig. You  snapped a bunch of good photos and they have sure helped me put my thoughts into the words I wanted to share…

Pop and the pastor Pop and their beloved pastor, T.C. , in deep conversation at the reception.  I don’t know what it was all about…

don't tell me it's not legal But this photo looked to me like the caption should be, “Don’t tell me that it’s not legal!”  Most likely they were swapping golf stories and it was so loud they had to huddle up to hear.

You want to see the most handsome fellow at the wedding? 

The man that stole my heart?

The one I can’t leave out of this joyous post? 

The grand finale?




 Elijah Wedding 9.19.09 030 

We all celebrated and this boy said it all without a word…  He’s Laura’s nephew, Elijah,  just walking good and he was such a good boy during the wedding.  He was dancing around at the church while all the photos were being taken after the wedding and I managed to get these photos and I had to share…

I hope I’m still around to see him grown up, in love,

And dancing at his own wedding… even though it will break my heart that it won’t be me he will be marrying…

TTttthhhhhat’s all folks.  Thank you for letting me share my joy and happiness about this union.

Laura and Tyler walk hand in hand and hand in hand with their Father and his son Jesus so they will have the Great Counselor guiding them through their long, loving, life together.


  1. This is all so wonderful! Aren't Weddings grand?
    After a couple of months of Mom's passing and the memorial, etc., this was a joy to look at.
    Elijah is just adorable. Oh those eyes. Takin' him home with you???

  2. Oh Sass, that was just beautiful. You said it all. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. :)

    ((((((hugs and love to you)))))))

  3. That was beautiful. The pictures say it all...absolutely lovely. Did you dance? Where are those pics Helen???

  4. Beautiful cake and happy faces.
    Love to baseball cake, too.
    Looks like a beautiful beginning to a long happy life.
    The little guy is a cutie!

  5. Have really enjoyed looking at those photos Helen, thanks so much for posting them. That cake looks good enough to risk the lapband for - and I particularly love the fabric and colour of the bridesmades' dresses. I'm a green fan... Very handsome family.

  6. Beautiful Helen absolutely beautiful and the lil guy oh my what a cutiepootootie he is :-)

  7. Weddings are so much fun. Great pics Helen!! I too, like Jojo, want to see our Helen dancing!!! I am so glad that you had fun. That little boy is precious. Thanks for sharing Helen.

    God Bless~
    Debbie Jean

  8. You did a wonderful job...beautiful wedding and blissfully happy couple!

    The little cutie pie? Just wanted to grab him up and hug the stuffing out of him :)

  9. In think that this kind of wedding is the best, where they have not only sacred vows to each other but also to God.
    It bodes very well for their future.

  10. Thanks for sharing this wonderful, happy event! Elijah is very cute. The cakes look amazing! I am trying to name that movie. Was it 'The King and I'? Hope you danced too!

  11. Helen Woman! You figure prominently in my post at 30 Day Throw Down! LOL! I linked them to you. :)

  12. Farmlady, glad to see you out and about... and glad you enjoyed the wedding posts. I sure enjoyed it. And Elijah's momma and daddy would have tackled me if I'd have tried to make off with him. But if he was already housebroken I might have tried anyway...

    Robynn, I was so overwhelmed by all of the details of the wedding and there really was a palpable feeling of love in the church.

    JoJo, I have to tell you the truth... I did not dance. Nobody asked me and that was fine with me. I tend to have two left feet.

    Becky there was happiness overflowing all over the place. It was great.

    Caroline I was kind of skeptical when my s.i.l. first told me the colors Laura wanted but as it started coming together and I saw the fabric for the dresses it was just perfect.

    Dar you can't have ALL the cute ones in your family! I had to show off at least one cutie!

    Debbie Jean, the next wedding I go to I will dance and get pictures for you and JoJo but I'm not sure it will be pretty, but I'll do it.

    Debbie, I grab him up and hug him every time I see him when I'm in Ft. Worth. Next time will be at Thanksgiving.

    Roslynn both of the kids feel that God brought each other into their lives and are very thankful to find 'the one' each felt was made for them.

    Hetty, yes ma'am, it was The King And I. I was beginning to think that nobody else had seen the movie or even remembered Yul Brynner. I had a big crush on him... from seeing that movie.

  13. It is useful to try everything in practise anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)


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