Thursday, September 10, 2009

Even The Internet Is So Done…

I think it is a conspiracy.  I want to do a corn report and I’m already late… Now I’m having “internet communication” problems.  Windows cannot communicate with primary DNS server (  Bullshit… Windows Vista can’t communicate with anyone or anything, I’m thinking.  I’m going to write this s.o.p. (silly old post) anyhow.  Because it’s coming down to the end of the season and my corn is about ready to pick.  I think…

corn and stuff 008 Good day on the right…

corn and stuff 010 Bad day corn… Little ear but there is an ear.  If this stalk hadn’t been knocked over it would be up about my waist.  And there is an ear and the stalk is still growing.  The other two bad day corn bit the dust.

corn and stuff 011 This is the biggest of the good day corn and the first to produce an ear.  I think that the ear is about ready to pick.  The ears aren’t very big, but I attribute that to being put into the ground about a month late for our area.  Next year I’m going to plant corn again because it has been so interesting to me, and hopefully, to all of you on this experiment about planting with the signs.

 corn and stuff 012I keep reiterating that it takes so little to entertain me…

corn and stuff 014 This is that poor little bad day corn that is still growing that got knocked over by the wind and yet hung in there and is producing an ear despite it’s travails.  I was in the mood for a bigger word, one of those fun words to say and sad in the things it describes… travails.  Try saying it a bit slower and rolling the rrrrrr…  sounds kind of  Shakespearian… But I digress, sort of.  This is, after all is said and done, a ‘c.o.r.n’. report.

corn and stuff 015 This is the littlest of the good day corn.  It is a short little thing but it’s still ‘gittn’ ‘er done’.

How about a couple of non-corn shots…

corn and stuff 016 Black eyed peas are still coming on… And a surprise, even for me…

corn and stuff 017 Okra!  I got the okra plants in late and I wasn’t sure I was going to get any home grown okra this year… And I still may not, but at least I got the photo of  one okra pod and I will use this picture to remind me to get it planted earlier next year.  But at least I can I show you all one photo.  Now I’ll try to get pictures of the flower because they are really beautiful… I guess I could post pictures from last year, but that wouldn’t be keeping it real.

And you all deserve everyone keeping it real.


  1. You're as real as they come, Sass!! Don't hang around 30 Day Thrown Down. Someone might eat you! I believe you'd qualify. Well, you might be a little bony. I, on the other hand, could provide Thanksgiving for cannibals! And I'm already stuffed!

    Yay for the corn and the fact that you'll be eating your OWN corn soon. I bet I would love your fried okra. Nothing boiled though please. That stuff looks like it needs a Sudafed.


  2. Thanks for another great corn report. I am finally beginning to understand all the hoopla. I quess I wasn't reading your blog earlier in the planting season. The okra looks interesting. Don't know if I have ever seen an okra plant in these parts. I'd love to see a flower. Even last year's will do.

  3. your so funny....I got your package in the mail today.

  4. hey black eye peas were on oprah today..LOL your corn is coming along look at that

    internet trouble again...yes I too think it is Vista everybody I know that bought a new laptop with Vista has already crashed it a time or two.. WHY do they have to keep changing the program if it works leave it the heck alone!

  5. Thanks for the corn report and okra and peas. You still got a lot going on in that garden.
    I have restarted mine. And have high hopes. It better not let me down!!! tee hee

  6. Robynn, I started the 30 day and I'll finish it, maybe not perfectly but none of us are perfect, least of all me... The cannibles may eat you first but only because they'd want to pork me up some first. Even if you come to visit in the wintertime I promise you we will have fried okra... how you ask in the dead of winter? Mrs. Stillwells frozen okra is the best we found when we are craving okra to keep us going til the next growing season. We do NOT boil the sudafed needing stuff. yukenpookie..spit, spit.

  7. Hetty, if you go to my Sept. 17, 2008, you can see the photos of the flowers. I was talking with my Bro and told him that I thought they looked like hibiscus... he told me that's because they are a member of the hibiscus family. Duh.

    Tonya I am anxiously awaiting it.

    Dar Carol cooked up a mess yesterday and my Bro made the corn bread. I did the dishes... worth it!

    Beck I think I'm going to look at the almanac and see if I can plant potatoes this weekend.

  8. Thanks, Helen. I went to your okra post from last year. I love those okra flowers. Very beautiful! I don't know if it is possible to grow okra when I am. It's probably just not a favourite vegetable in this area. But I might try a few plants next year if I can find them - just for the flowers.

  9. Love the Corn Reports! Fresh corn... yummmy

    Heard on the television this a.m. that a hacker got into the Vista system and their is a black hole (persay) in the security of the system now. They didn't say if it would effect everyone and that they were trying to get in a create a fix for it!

  10. Hetty I don't know if you'd be able to grow it or not. Okra like hot. I'll be glad to send you some of the seeds. They would be worth trying, like you said, just for the flowers.

    Ronda I'm not sure about the hacking stuff but I know there have been days when I feel like my brand new computer is in a black hole.

  11. Boy, I've missed you. I haven't read blogs at all for the last couple of weeks, and it felt like coming home to visit you today.

    I'm jealous, as usual, because you went to the rodeo and have corn that grows, and have lived a wild and interesting life. If I ever have grandchildren, I just know they're going to be bored silly with my life stories. Can I pretend I was you?


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