Monday, August 31, 2009

Where Was I?

Oh, yes… Corn.  I am having fun with this corn experiment.  But sometime life interferes with my reporting. But I’m here with a report tonight.

rodeo 139 The tallest of the good day corn.  As best I can count at this point in time there are 4 ears in development.

rodeo 135 rodeo 136

rodeo 137 rodeo 140 Good day corn is on the right.

rodeo 134 The only bad day corn stalk is growing taller, but no sign yet of any silk.

rodeo 082 How about these little bitty chaps. They are so cute…

And what, you may ask, do those little bitty chaps have to do with corn?  That’s the reason I’m late with the corn.  We went to the Working Cowboys Ranch Rodeo on Saturday and didn’t get home until after midnight and I was tired.  And lazy all day Sunday… and I’ll be posting about the rodeo as soon as I can pick out the photos and get my brain to writing a good post. 

So adios for tonight.  That’s all the corn I can come up with on this report.


  1. wow your corn has really grown!
    itty bitty chaps just too cute ..awe
    Can't wait to hear about the rodeo

  2. Your corn is really coming along. Every time I see it, it makes me want to run out to the farmers market and get me some good sweet corn to put on the grill!!! Mmmmmm!!!

  3. Well, corn sakes girl, if you were so tired you should have taken the day off and waited until tomorrow to blog. The corn creatures come out after dark. Be careful out there...

  4. Nice to see you haven't turned into a cornstalk! Haha!

    Now get your writing on and tell us what you did at the Cowboy place!

  5. you'll be eating that corn before you know it......I've shucked so much corn this summer, I don't want to see any more in my kitchen

  6. did you see pioneer woman and her family at the rodeo? the corn is looking good :) you are looking good :D

  7. I had the same question as "Laura Peach" - so, did you see the Pioneer Family?

  8. Your good day corn looks nice, but you look great! Now get writing about that rodeo.

  9. Look at that smile! Yes, you are definitely having fun with that corn.
    Looks like you'll get atleast a little reward to go along with all the fun.
    I have replanted mine and I have great expectations. I'm hoping it don't let me down or don't freeze before it's ready.

  10. OK, I'm all yours. I LOVE corn. I just got home to India, and in my bag? Several packets of corn seeds to plant next month...woot. :)))

  11. The corn looks good, but you look even better! Love that smile! Can't wait to hear about the rodeo! Sounds like fun.

  12. It's really grown! Looking forward to hearing about the rodeo.

  13. Dar, it's all good and those little bitty chaps just stopped me in my tracks..

    Amy go get you some and put it on the grill... mmmmmm good!

    Farmlady I have to watch out for those corn creatures... I don't want them to get my hard earned ears of corn.

    P.S. I'm al looonnng way from being a and the rodeo will be forthcoming... good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise.

    Tonya, I feel for you... but we only had two good messes of corn and I still want more.

    Thank you Laura for the compliment, and yes I did see PW and her kids and watched MM and Pesky Tim and Josh compete in different events.

    Yep Staci we did see them all and I'll have more to share about that.

    Thanks Caution... I'm working on it. HARD...

    I'm wondering about winter planting, but I don't know if I can get anything in before I go to the wedding the 19th of this month.

    Braja, thanks for stopping by and I hope your corn does great for you.

    Hetty, thank you for the compliment. I am excited about the corn and am working on a rodeo post in between weeding and watering and harvesting blackeyed peas and potatoes.

    KayKay it has grown. I expect it to be taller than me next weekend.

  14. I'm amazed with the good corn. I'm with Amy, when I see your pictures, I suddenly have a hankering for sweet corn!

  15. Sass, you look so pretty in that photo. And your corn ain't lookin' bad either! Hope you had a good time last night. :)

  16. Aleta, I have been known to salivate for corn myself. I love me some good sweet corn, too.

    Hey, Robynn!! Thanks for the compliment. I got lucky on the photo... I had a great fun time last night. The kide are sweet and fun and the baby is a doll.

    Tipper I am really having too much fun with this corn business. I'll be excited to see what you decide for next year... if you do another good day/bad day test.

  17. I LOVE the little bitty chaps!!!!

  18. Hi,.....Well, I am amazed at the maize~!! What a great crop, and to think all of us followed the rows to ears~!! CORN~! And, I love your pic, great smile and love your hair~!!

  19. That is a lush corn will come out one morning and find some "crop circles" in those babies!! lol


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