Friday, August 7, 2009

Let’s Look At Pretty Things…

For a change.  I’m tired of whacked knee pictures. I would much rather look at pretty pictures of anything rather than old bunged up knees.

I took a bit of a walk around last night because I was getting cabin fever.  So I grabbed up the camera and gimped out the door.

 baby gourdA baby gourd.

bigger little gourd It’s bigger sibling. This is so exciting. We have tried to grow gourds before and for some reason have had no luck.  Carol started this gourd plant from seed and then put the plant in one of her barrels. Might have something to do with good soil, do you think?

8.6.09 030 A bright canna caught my eye and when I walked over closer…

birth of a canna bloom I found this… the birth of a canna bloom.  I really liked how the sun, coming from behind the plant, looked trying to almost come through the leaves.

pink hibiscus Our pink hibiscus. Like me, a late bloomer.

butterfly and zinnias A butterfly visiting the zinnias.

8.6.09 038 Some more zinnias.

blanket flower Blanket flowers. I love these flowers.  The new buds, the flowers and the seed heads are all interesting.  I’m hoping this plant triples for next year. 

7.30.09 garden stuff 014 Too much fun.  Can you imagine what I could do if I had a camera that I could take macro shots of some of this stuff?  I’ll have to start planning for that goal.

downey 2 And I caught this downy through the front window last week. Working on the sunflower seedhead. 

downy woodpecker 7.30.09 004

Sunflowers… the flowers that keep on giving.

sunflower 028 

How wonderful is this world we live in… Keeps me going, for sure.


  1. Beautiful pictures Helen your garden and flowers are purdy

  2. your zinnias are gorgeous. I hope you get that camera could take fan-tas-tic shots..;p

  3. Helen,
    Beautiful flowers!!!!! Congrats on the gourd! Hope your knees are better!

  4. Thanks for all the beauty, Sass. So glad you can at least walk and see that you're gourds are growing. I think I could grow gourds. We have a lot in common - fairly empty, hard headed, and not good for much. Like to lay around just for decoration. Yep. I feel gourd planting comin' on. I might achieve professional status!

  5. Great shots. Love that sunflower. Mine are all dying out now.
    I have a few birdhouse gourds growing too. Guess I better get busy with last year's crop, so I'll have somewhere to store this year's gourds.

  6. Beautiful, I love the floweres, canna's will never survive here I have the beauty one year and then they are gone..have to check out the blanket floweres

  7. I love pretty pictures! Yours are fantastic. The hibiscus is beautiful! Is that the kind with huge blooms? I love flowers and plants that attract butterflies and birds to the garden! Glad you are able to at least 'gimp' out into the garden and take photos.

  8. OOH I love the flower pictures! Hope you feel better!

  9. I love taking walks with you. The view is so pretty!!! Thanks!!!


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