Monday, August 3, 2009

I’m As Corny As Kansas In August…

My corn may not be as high as an elephant’s eye, but the good day corn is up to my waist and I’m not a short gal.

Corn report 8.2.09 001 You notice that the corn bed remains relatively free of grass.

good day corn This is the good day corn.

bad day corn Bad day corn.  Of the 10 seeds I planted in each row,  I have 3 in the bad day row.

good day corn (2) I have 6 that came up on the good corn day.  Although I could manage to get by without saying it if you look at the other good corn day you will see a little short runt corn stalk trying to hang in there, so I’m not pulling it up. I’ll just consider it a part of the test, too.

blackeyed peasThe black eyed peas are loaded.

Now, I’ll show you what I’ve been doing the last couple of days besides spelling Carol on the mower…

Corn report 8.2.09 026 Yes, ma’am.  I’ve been weeding or maybe I should call it grassin’.

Corn report 8.2.09 027 I had a lot of tough thinking to do and when that happens I dig.  And I weed.Corn report 8.2.09 028 This area is next.  This is where I’ve got daylilies and iris planted.  It’s been neglected because of trying to tend the garden.

Corn report 8.2.09 029 There’s my stool and my gloves… waiting on me.  I figure it will take me two days because the temperature is heading back towards the triple digits, 99 F.  tomorrow and 101 F. is predicted for Tuesday.

So what do you all have going on to start your week off?


  1. gonna start my week catching up on blogs and having coffee then... taking martha driving so she can pass her drivers retest on tuesday and cook supper *(love my crock pots!) then... who knows maybe clean a bit; we de grassed yesterday... asin took the shovel and actually dug it ike sod and moved it from my garden to the spot mike pulled a cou0ple stumps up from :)

  2. I'm in awe of all that hard work - and in that heat too, good for you ... My week is lost in all the excitement of going home to see my Mummy next week :0)

  3. Must be over my head then if it's up to your waist..LOL Looks great..but I have a question. Is your entire place fenced in? How do you keep the deer out, I know you have to have deer and bunnies..

  4. Now you're making me feel inadequate! tee hee
    I gotta get to those weeds that moved in while I was on vacation. My grass needs mowing, but it won't stop raining.
    I have too many things on my to-do list. And most of them I need help with. But The Captain has his own list. And he needs help too. So we go back and forth from his list to mine. Just depends on which wheel is squeaking the loudest.

  5. Well, at this point, I am cheering for the tallest stalk of corn in your corn field...Keep up the good work...
    Weeding is the pits...and thank goodness you have a GREAT seat to take along with you!
    If you recently saw my lawn after aerating, weed kill, and thatched, you will see a result of water, water and more water...we have had 100's here, too, so I "feel" for ya!
    Have a wonderful week!

  6. I love corn on the cob - this is making me hungry. I grew up running through my grandparents' garden, which was about four acres and had enough corn to make a good hiding place for hide and seek.

  7. Excuse me while I sob over the fact that one of my favourite foods - corn on the sob (tender, sweet, small kernels) with lots of melted butter and salt is not beloved of my lapband...
    Aged 11 in Argentina on a maize growing farm for a summer holiday I had a competition with 3 cousins as to who could eat the most cobs, and a very broad dish piled high with them was put in front of the four of us. Well, it wasn't fair - my eldest cousin won because she was in her late teens - she had twenty. I came second with 15, and the other 11 year old cousins way behind with 13 and 10.
    We won't go into what the next 24 hours were like, but tummy aches entered into it as well.

  8. Weeds, do they ever all get gone? Seems I weed them out and the next day they are back! I so do envy your energy and devotion to your gardens. How are the ribs? I hope you are all better!!

    God Bless~
    Debbie Jean

  9. Peach, my wish list is my very own ass-kicking rototiller. That would make quick work of weeding. Then I could be a red dirt rootin' tootin' rototillin' old woman.

    E.D. I tried to work earlier in the day or for shorter times. I figure when the sweat starts dripping off my nose it's time to go in and cool down.

    Dar I have seen deer tracks in the garden only once. Our place has very few trees except along the back of the property. As for the bunnies... they are everywhere and gives the girls some fun to chase. I have some fence. The rabbits go through and the deer go over.

    T.F. we need to have clones of ourselves. I'm thinking either that or move to a one bed apartment with no lawn or garden to tend...

    About half the time, Margaret, I'm down on my hands and knees. That area that I'm working on now has stickers so I'm trying to be careful.

    Medora we love our corn around here, too, but there is no way that I could grow enough to play hide and seek. I did that when I was little though at a couple of different aunt and uncle's homes.

    I wouldn't have even had a shot to win a contest like that when I was that age, Caroline. I couldn't eat a lot at one sitting, but I probably would have given it a try.

    Deb, if we could make money on weeds, we'd be rich, wouldn't we!
    As much grass as I've been pulling up is making me think I need to have a sod farm... but I'd still have to weed...

  10. Helen! It all looks good. Boy, what a LOT of work you're doing. But there's nothing as good as homegrown corn. Call me when it's ready. I'm gonna go look at my backyard now and hang my head in shame! (And I SHOULD.)

  11. Make sure you go out in the morning and back in the house in the afternoon!! Too hot out there!!
    That is a lot of work but so rewarding...

  12. Sorry Helen, but I am a little confused about your corn. Was this an experiment? Did you only plant a few seeds? Our corn is not doing well this year because we have had a lot of rain and it has not been hot, like in other summers. Corn likes hot weather, therefore I would have thought that it would grow well for you. The rest of your garden looks great. And those black-eyed peas are interesting. One thing I know for sure about gardening. There will always be weeds!

  13. Thank you for the corn update!

  14. Robynn, don't hang your head, sister, you might lose your balance.

    Melinda, if you've read very much you know I do NOT like to get up early, but I was out at God-thirty (shortly after dawn) this morning working on weeds and grass. To be real truthful, now, when I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep so I went out and got started and was real glad for the cool. I stayed in this afternoon...

    Hetty, I planted seeds that Tipper over at Blind Pig and the Acorn sent to several of her readers to try planting by the zodiac. She told us which was the good day and which was the bad day to plant and I've been trying to post pics each week. Her site is on my sidebar. She is fun to read and I'm learning about a lot, even canning.

    Tipper, you are most welcome. I'm enjoying watching the corn growing. I'm hoping that we make it to seeing how the ears grow and getting a sample taste of the corn.


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