Thursday, August 28, 2008

Just In Case...

Most everyone that has stopped by my little blog know that we depend on satellites for our internet. After experiencing a number of problems last week end we found out that our satellite "gateway" is in Texas and there were problems receiving the signals because of the hurricane induced storms. Well, now we have another hurricane, Gustav, that is predicted to create havoc in the Gulf of Mexico in the next three or four days, so I may be able to post or not... depending on hurricanes, storms or whatever else that Wild Blue may think up to tell their customers when we can't get on line. Don't get me wrong... I'm so thankful that we are able to have high-speed internet at all and we, basically, have had very good luck with Wild Blue. It just seems odd to me that there is only one area that can receive and send out the satellite signals for our area. But then it has only been the last few years that I've been able to turn on the computer without having nervous heebeegeebies and I have no clue about how it gets to me and how I send it out. It just seems odd to me that there is only the one area that receives the signals. I mean if I can sit here and type it and hit a button and whatever I've written is out there, all over the air waves, then I ought to be able to get signals from north, south, east or west.

So if I'm not on here for a few days, look at the weather channel and check out what's happening in south Texas. If it's storming, I'll probably be 'stewing'.

Just letting y'all know in advance...


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you have a really great weekend!! :)

  2. [url=][b]wetter weather[/b][/url]

    [url=][b]wetter schnee[b][/url]

  3. [url=]wetter youtube[/url]



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