Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yes We Saw PW And Her Family…

To be truthful, that’s the main reason I could talk Carol into going.  Not that she doesn’t like rodeo.  She likes the rodeo almost as much as I do.  In fact I’m hoping to get her to go to the Lazy E Arena the next time that the pro bull riders come to town because we both love watching the bull riders.  You have to remember we were both born and raised in Oklahoma.  Besides OU and OSU football, we both grew up playing basketball although I was in OKC playing sissy b-ball and Carol played in a small town where they traveled around to other towns or the other towns came to her school to play and they were a lot tougher than the city schools.  The small towns eat, sleep and breathe girls basketball.  I mean look at coach Sherri Coale, O.U. Women’s basketball coach.  She was a scrappy and tough as nails b.baller in highschool…

But that wasn’t what you wanted to know about, I hear you saying… get on with it already, Helen…

12 y.o. rodeo boys Any of you all that have 10 or 12 year old daughters might want to try taking them to rodeos to meet the young cowboys.

chaps 4 Or you might want to go to try and meet ‘your’ cowboy.

chaps 2 rodeo Drummond cowboy There was an awful lot of ‘eye candy’'… for everyone…

rodeo woman 1 Guys, girls and young’ uns.  There was wranglin’ and ropin’..

Rodeo 8.29.09 033 And did I say cowboys?

Rodeo 8.29.09 039 Here they were running the cows for the wild cow milking event down to the chute.

Rodeo 8.29.09 052 I have to do the proviso thing… these photos are crap, but they are the best I could do with my point and shoot.  The lighting was about the equivalent of shooting up the ‘rectum of an elephant’ to borrow a phrase from my baby brother.    I also tried a few videos… I don’t know if I can get them to post, but I’ll try… Nope… I’ll have to do some work on figuring it out.

Rodeo 8.29.09 129 Ree is gonna kill me… You see, Ree is Carol’s niece.  SHE  and the kids are the reason I got Carol to go, well, that and we have a van that we can take her in her wheelchair.  Carol’s legs don’t do very good at much walking with all her crappy discs in her back.  So we went to the rodeo, got there and got Carol settled in her chair and went to looking for Ree.  About the time I spotted here she was taking the older boy down for a ‘break’.  I caught up with her and told her that Carol was here and where we were sitting.  She came over and visited for a bit with Carol, then brought each of the kids  (except for the oldest son, he was busy… you know how boys are), to say hi to their great aunt.

Carol and Todd  Aunt Carol Sue and the baby boy.

Ree, Paige and Carol Aunt Carol Sue and the great wild burro rider.

Carol and AlexAunt Carol Sue and Pioneer Girl…

Ree and Alex edited And last but not the least by any means… Pioneer Woman and Pioneer Girl.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I might have to come with you next time and find MY COWBOY! I liked the views you got too!

Tatersmama said...

Mmmmmm... eye candy! What a way to start the day!
It sounds like you had a real good time, and ya'll got the chance to throughly enjoy yourselves!
But if I had gone? I think I would have hugely embarrassed myself, with the wiping my chin and all!

Debbie said...

Wow, I am a advid fan of PW and she's related to you. how cool is that!! Of course I am also a advid fan of yours too!! Looks like fun was had by all. I too, have one of those chairs, due to severe diabetic neuropathy.
Eye candy for sure. A cowboy is always eye candy...LOL.

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

Laura ~Peach~ said...

ok thats it.... i officially want to come live with you guys and visit your niece, carol, and its good to see you on here too... and i want rees cookbook and i want to walk with charlie and and and sigh... i love the rodeo by the way... martha and i had a blast at the pbr here in augusta... drool love cowboys!!!!!!

Robynn's Ravings said...

So I loved you before I even knew you had this famous connection? Must be the real deal, Sass. :)

I hope she reads YOU and I bet she does just for all the laughs! I'm glad you all had a great time. We like to go watch the bull riders, too, when the PBR comes through town. And our city IS a cow town and hosts a big rodeo event each year. When I was younger and still in a band, we used to play for the big kick-off dinner the night before and then for Big Hat Days the weekend prior. Good times!

Well, I'm off to visit around and stop being such a deadbeat blog follower. You always have SOMEthing up your sleeve and it's RARELY your arm!

Staci said...

Sweeeeeet! I'm in the presence of blog-style royalty!

I'm still sayin' it ----


Twisted Fencepost said...

Wow, now you're just as famous as PW! tee hee
Looks like you had a good time. I LOVE rodeos!

joanne said...

eye candy indeed, I may have to go and check out the rodeo next time...looks like Carol had a great time. I'm so glad she could get out for awhile. Way to go Helen!

Reddirt Woman said...

Ronda I got down next to the rail for most of those photos, but we were in good seats just a few rows up from the rail. That's the fun part because at the working cowboys rodeo it's not as packed as some of the pro rodeos.

Katie, you've got to bring your own drool rag, but you know bandanas work good for that.

Debbie Jean, Carol is related to PW, but I've known her for years, way back before MM... before she went off to college. She is a total delight and an incredibly funny young woman and the children are beautiful and fun and MM is even more handsome than his photos.

Laura you crack me up. And if it makes you feel better, we've never met Charlie or been to the ranch, as much as I love horses. We mostly saw her and other family members at Thanksgiving and at Christmas. When Carol's mom was still alive Ree would come by with the kids and visit and some of the time Wetsy would be with her... but after Grandma Helen (Carol and her sibs) passed we didn't see much of her because she has been so busy with her family and the ranch, the blog and the cookbook.

Robynn I knew there was more than one reason I love you!!! You are a PBR fan, too. I don't know that
Ree even knows I write a blog. We've never talked about blogging. I just figured if Ree could do it, I could do it, too. Of course she has way more blog fodder. I just talk about whatever I can dredge up from all my years...

Staci I'm just the (ugly step-sister) friend of the family. Ree can be the Queen...I'll just be the hanger on... I just dig in the dirt and mow and such...

JoJo, I am so glad that we were able to get a wheel chair van so she will get out some. She has always loved going to the fair, the day trips around, the flea markets and garage sales. For several years she has really been hard to get out of the house because she can't walk much and we didn't have a vehicle that we could tote her around in... Now I think it will be easier to get her out and about more and that will be good for her.

Becky, I won't ever be as famous as PW... and that's way okay with me... And the rodeo was a lot of fun.

Sharon Rose said...

Wow, y'all were cowboying it up! Great to see pics of Carol in there!

Looks like y'all had yourselves a goat ropin' good time!

Reddirt Woman said...

Yep, PS, I couldn't resist those photos and I haven't written anything about her except occasional mentions since her snake bite episode. It was wonderful to see her laugh and smile while visiting with Ree and the kids so it just seemed right to celebrate the moment.

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

Very cool indeed!!

Hallie :)

Margaret Hall said...

Always fun to see your photo lineup at your blog! Thank you for taking the time to share your times with us...Looks like you had a blast! Wonderful to see you home and bringing us your journey!

Tipper said...

Oh what fun! And yes my girls would have liked seeing the cowboys : )

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a blast. I haven't been to a rodeo in years. This post makes me want to go to one, like, today.

Anonymous said...

What fun! And I'm so glad you were able to get Carol there, too. I have trouble with my knees (heading to the hospital for x-rays in a little while) so I know how hard it can be to get around sometimes.

Nancy in Iowa

Debbie said...

Remember me? LOL

I want a cowboy. I've always wanted one. You know Ree? Gosh, you always amaze me when I come here. I was coming here anyway, but was at jojo's and saw your comment so I sped over here real quick.

I wouldn't have noticed Ree. I will be dreaming of cowboys tonight and maybe all weekend. Thank you. I have no life. :)

Cindy said...

You are the only blog where I can get a corn report! Never seen one on PW's blog. :-)

Looks like you and Carol had a great time! Good for you both!

Country Girl said...

You know what I like about this post, Helen? Look how happy Aunt Carol Sue looks. That's the best thing about this post!
A treat to see Ree and the kids, too. Also good to know she's a nice person in real life. I've been a fan of hers for years. So generous with her talents, too.
Of course, I like all the cowboy pics, too . . .

The Wife said...

Oh honey, you don't have to tell me about cowboys!